Orthodox Tea

Orthodox tea refers to the tea which is made or processed using traditional method. Orthodox teas are generally bright and brisk and have a multilayered flavor profile. Orthodox Tea is produced using the traditional methods of Tea production which includes plucking, withering , rolling, oxidation and drying. Our Orthodox tea include Whole Leaf, Broken & Fannings Grades.

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Orange Pekoe Main grade, consisting of long wiry leaf without tips.

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Orange Pekoe, consisting of long, thin, tightly rolled leaves. This includes the terminal leaf bud along with a few of the youngest leaves. These leaves are usually of uniform size and rolled lengthways.

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Pekoe, smaller, shorter leave than OP

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Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe with some golden tips

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Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe (TGFOP) is the top grade. During harvesting the top two leaves and bud are plucked by hand.

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Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe with broken leaf

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Tippy Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe

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Tipply Golden Broken Orange Pekoe, designates to broken leaf with combination of Tippy, Golden leaf

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Golden Broken Orange Pekoe; with uneven leaves and few tips.

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Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings; Broken leaf grade tea with uniform particle size, and no tips.

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